Well in to the new year, i’ve finally got round to writing a new blog post ( we were supposed to get a WordPress blog integrated in to the site, but that didn’t happen due to one factor, if you guess what it is, i’ll send you a bottle opener! ), and beings as we’ve been busy recently, I thought I would tell you about it.
Last week, we attended the AOTA ( American Occupation Therapy Association ) Expo and Conference in Indianapolis, USA.This ran from the 26th until the 29th of April, where one of our Sales Managers had a booth seperate to our now exclusive US distributors of Tenura, Maddak inc, albeit cross-promoting products to increase event coverage. This also coincided with our launch of Tenura USA, an info/ecommerce portal site targeted towards the US market, with Maddak taking all orders and enquiries.
Last week, we where at the NEC in Birmingham exhibiting at the Naidex NationalExhibition, running from the 1st of May through until the 3rd. Both expos generated a lot of interest for us, and we hope to have our products stocked in many more retailers soon, increasing brand awareness throughout the internet particularly.
We do plan, and are arranging to visit more expos this year, with Glasgow being one city that has been mentioned. That may just have to wait for another post though.
Many thanks to Kathleen at Maddak for helping us out at the AOTA festival, and I hope those that we did meet at both expos will be in touch soon.
If you saw us at either one, please let us know!!