anti slip grip strips
Tenura anti slip grip strips - Useful in many areas of Daily Life!
Disabilities and Impairments can make everyday tasks much harder. From operating door handles and preparing and cooking food, these tasks can be tiring and genuinely hard to accomplish. Tenuras wide range of daily living aids have been designed to attempt to make these general tasks as easy as possible for people suffering from such impairments and disabilities. Tenura anti-slip grip strips are one such product. This material offers a versatile non-slip grip, which can be applied almost anywhere. We have seen anti-slip grip strips used in many creative ways to make general tasks much easier. This material can be applied almost anywhere and will hold strong around the object it has been wrapped around without the need for an adhesive that could leave a residue.
Door Handles & Knobs
Door handles and knobs can be very difficult to grip and turn, for able-bodied and disabled people. Door knobs especially can be hard to grip due to their shiny surface. This can make going in and out of a room a harder task then it needs to be. By applying anti-slip grip strips, you can create an effective way to make turning door handles and knobs much easier. Simply wrap the grip strip around the door knob covering the majority of its surface. This will make it easier to grip and make going in and out of rooms a simple process once again.
Pots and Pans
Pans, pots and woks can also be difficult to move in any area. Spills and stains can cause injuries and expensive damage. It can cause a mess or severe injury depending on temperatures and the amount of liquid spilt. A non-slip material is an excellent way to help decrease the chances of clumsy mistakes and makes any object easier to hold and move. This materials thin finish will allow you to create a strong non-slip grip without increasing the bulk of the surface area too much. Tenura anti-slip grip strips are highly heat resistant, meaning they can survive on a pan, pot or wok for as long as you need them to.
Cups & Glasses
We all love a good cup of tea, coffee, or fresh juice in the morning, it’s an excellent start to a day and can help wake you up. One thing you never want to accompany your early morning brew is an early morning mess. A slip of the hand or a clumsy mistake while carrying or moving your cup can easily lead to breakages, nasty spills and stains, or injuries. This will all need cleaning or mopping up which isn’t easy for some people. Tenura anti-slip grip strips can help to make a mug, cup or glass much easier to hold onto and decrease the chances of nasty spills, stains and injuries. By wrapping the material around the cups handle, you can minimise the chances of loss of grip as the material will ensure the handle has an enhanced grip.
Food Preparation
Anti-slip grip strips are also very useful to apply to cutlery, utensils and many other items used during food preparation. Preparing food on the chopping board can be a strenuous task for anyone and can lead to an injury very quickly. Anti-slip grip strips can help by creating a firm grip on the handles of knives, forks, spoons and the chopping board bases themselves. This contributes to improving the general grip of these objects and minimise the chances of slips that could lead to injury. One handed Whisking is now possible with anti-slip grip strips. By placing anti-slip grip strips under the bowl and around the whisk handle, you can increase control and comfort.
Another product, designed for cutlery handles is Tenura cutlery grips. Cutlery grips can be slipped onto many different kitchen utensils with ease. Once applied, this material will create an enhanced surface area, allowing objects to be handled and used efficiently, without the strain and discomfort some experience when trying to grip small or thin objects.
To view how to use Tenura Anti Slip Grip Strips, you can view our video below:
Anti-slip grip strips and many other products Tenura manufacturers are available on the Tenura website, here you can see all information about the products and the current prices we offer.
Treatment for Osteoarthritis is a step closer thanks to recent research!
Those who suffer from Osteoarthritis have to cope with a great deal of pain and discomfort due to their joints becoming damaged. The cartilage between joints becomes hard and thin, and bones become thicker. Eventually, the bones change shape, which causes them to move position. In extreme circumstances where the cartilage completely disappears, the bones rub together, which causes damage and a change of shape in your joint, which is incredibly painful. However, Scientists at the University of Manchester have researched stem cells, with hopes to be able to treat Osteoarthritis!
Research Breakthrough
The researchers at the University of Manchester implanted the cartilage stem cells into damaged cartilage on the knee joints of rats. The following four weeks showed that the cartilage had partially repaired, and after 12 weeks, the cartilage seemed smooth and similar to normal healthy cartilage. This study showed very interesting results and so far, hasn’t shown any inkling of nasty side effects that earlier stem cell research showed, e.g. tumours. This is a big step forward for research into stem cells and the treatment of Osteoarthritis. Much more research will have to be done before human trials are set to go forward, this is to make sure the treatment will have no nasty side effects and test the procedure to see if it will help long term. Researchers have also said that at the moment, they are using adult stems cells, which are very difficult and costly to produce, so only small-scale tests are being made. Regardless of the current problems with production, this research shows a great help for those with Osteoarthritis and, hopefully, in the next few years, will prove an effective treatment for the disease.
How can Tenura help?
Although Tenura doesn’t have the ability to cure or treat impairing diseases, we can provide a selection of independent living aids designed to make small and frequent tasks much easier. Here are some Tenura disability aids that are useful to those with Arthritis:
Tenura anti-slip grip strips are just such an example. Anti-slip grip strips are made from 100% silicone. Therefore, they can be easily wrapped around almost any object you struggle to gain a comfortable grip. Tenura silicone creates a strong, grip-enhancing, and much more comfortable surface around objects, which will make it easier to pick up and use.
Tenura cutlery grips offer similar help. Cutlery grips can be applied to most knives, forks, and other utensils. Once applied, Tenura cutlery grips create a large surface area that is easy to hold and will not stress the joints in your fingers, increasing grip and comfort.
Both Tenura anti-slip grips strips and cutlery grips are non-toxic and antimicrobial, so are safe to use around the home and in areas that require a high level of hygiene, for instance, medical practices. The silicone is easy to wash (dishwasher safe).
Daily living aids provide assistance for those with arthritis and an impaired grip. Tenura has many helpful blogs on disability aids on our website under Blogs - > Arthritis Aids.
You can order disability aids direct from the Tenura website, and those who are VAT Exempt can register to buy Tenura products VAT free. Free shipping is also available on all orders over £50.
How To Use Anti Slip Grip Strips
Disabilities and Impairments can make everyday tasks much harder. From operating door handles and preparing and cooking food, these tasks can be tiring and genuinely hard to accomplish. Tenuras wide range of daily living aids have been designed to attempt to make these general tasks as easy as possible for people suffering from such impairments and disabilities. Tenura anti-slip grip strips are one such product. This material offers a versatile non-slip grip, which can be applied almost anywhere. We have seen anti-slip grip strips used in many creative ways to make general tasks much easier. This material can be applied almost anywhere and will hold strong around the object it has been wrapped around without the need for an adhesive that could leave a residue.
Door Handles & Knobs
Door handles and knobs can be very difficult to grip and turn, for able-bodied and disabled people. Door knobs especially can be hard to grip due to their shiny surface. This can make going in and out of a room a harder task then it needs to be. By applying anti-slip grip strips, you can create an effective way to make turning door handles and knobs much easier. Simply wrap the grip strip around the door knob covering the majority of its surface. This will make it easier to grip and make going in and out of rooms a simple process once again.
Pots and Pans
Pans, pots and woks can also be difficult to move in any area. Spills and stains can cause injuries and expensive damage. It can cause a nasty mess or severe injury depending on temperatures and the amount of liquid spilt. A non-slip material is an excellent way to help decrease the chances of clumsy mistakes and makes any object easier to hold and move. This materials thin finish will allow you to create a strong non-slip grip. Tenura anti-slip grip strips are highly heat resistant, meaning they can survive on a pan, pot or wok for as long as you need them to.
Cups & Glasses
We all love a good cup of tea, coffee, or fresh juice in the morning, it’s an excellent start to a day and can help wake you up. One thing you never want to accompany your early morning brew is an early morning mess. A slip of the hand or a clumsy mistake while carrying or moving your cup can easily lead to breakages, nasty spills and stains, or injuries. This will all need cleaning or mopping up which isn’t easy for some people. Tenura anti-slip grip strips can help to make a mug, cup or glass much easier to hold onto and decrease the chances of nasty spills, stains and injuries. By wrapping the material around the cups handle, you can minimise the chances of loss of grip as the material will ensure the handle has an enhanced grip.
Food Preparation
Anti-slip grip strips are also very useful to apply to cutlery, utensils and many other items used during food preparation. Preparing food on the chopping board can be a strenuous task for anyone and can lead to injury very quickly. Anti-slip grip strips can help by creating a firm grip on the handles of knives, forks, spoons and the chopping board bases themselves. This contributes to improving the general grip around these objects and minimise the chances of slips that could lead to injury. One handed Whisking is now possible with anti-slip grip strips. By placing anti-slip grip strips under the bowl and around the whisk handle, you can increase control and comfort.
Another product, designed for just such a purpose is Tenura cutlery grips. Cutlery grips can be slipped onto many different kitchen utensils with ease. Once applied, this material will create a enhanced surface area, allowing objects to be handled and used efficiently, without the strain and discomfort some experience when trying to grip small or thin objects.
Anti-slip grip strips and many other products Tenura manufacturers are available on the Tenura website, here you can see all information about the products and the current prices we offer.
Tenura grip Strips and rolls; help make daily tasks simple again
During everyday life, many people struggle along each day with previously simple tasks. Disabilities and current injuries can make movement and grip much more of a difficult task. Opening doors, using handles, or trying to grip a mug can all be a task without the strength of grip to help. Tenura daily living aids can help users avoid distress in their day to day lives.
For example, by using Tenura silicone grip strips and rolls, these tasks can become that little bit easier. Tenura anti-slip grip strips and rolls are made from silicone. This means they are very flexible and hardwearing. Traits which make this material perfect for providing a strong grip, by wrapping this silicone grip roll around an object or handle, you have instantly improved the grip you will have between you and the object, this makes moving the object around or using it much easier.

When Tenura anti-slip strips are wrapped around a handle, grip strips offer a strong grip between the silicone and your hand, which means it shouldn’t fall or come away from the handle, Tenura grip strips will sit there comfortably until you choose to remove it. Although we suggest using Tenura anti-slip grip strips and rolls around handles and utensils, there is a large number of objects which this can be applied to, for example, anti-slip grip strips work great on a smooth bike handle, giving you a large amount of extra grip. Anti-slip grip roll can also be used to line objects where your arms or legs may rest to prevent slips and slides, like on the footrest of a wheelchair, or on the handle of a crutch.
Tenura anti-slip grip rolls offer a DIY alternative to Tenura stock daily living aid solutions, this allows you to make a selection of different shapes and sizes, perfect for any job you may need it for! Tenura grip rolls and strips are also very easy to clean, simple soap and water is enough to clean all dirt away from its surface. Then when dry again, it possesses the same level of grip it had when first used, allowing cleanliness in places you may need it. Non-slip roll is easily wrapped around small or large areas and will hold firm until taken off by the user, this makes the grip strips and rolls perfect for using with cutlery, utensils, and many other objects which people with hand impairments may struggle using.
Tenura offers an adhesive and non-adhesive version of anti-slip grip roll. If you want a permanent non-slip surface, cut Tenura adhesive roll down to size, remove the backing and place in the desired area. A brilliant example of this would be cutlery draws. Cutlery is held in place by the grip properties of Tenura non-slip roll. Tenura non-adhesive roll is fantastic for areas you wish to add non-slip properties for a limited amount of time.
Tenura anti-slip grip rolls are available in blue and red with sizes ranging from 1m x 20cm to 9m x 40cm. Anti-slip grip strips can be found in 1m x 2cm in blue only.
By using Tenura daily living aids like anti-slip grip strips and rolls, you can be sure that previously simple day to day tasks are now possible, or no longer need the same amount of hard work to complete.